Friday, 22 August 2014

People You Must NOT MARRY

Before you think of getting married and settling down in life, there are some set of people you are not meant to marry if you want to succeed in marriage and have a fulfilled marriage. Below is the list of Ten of people you must not marry. Take note and let it help you in your marital decision.
1. Don't marry outside the will of God. God has a will and His will will not take you to where His grace will not be sufficient for you.
2. Don't marry someone without a job, a liability, a NFA (No Future Ambition), lazy who doesn't want to work and who doesn't want to change. A woman who get married to a jobless man becomes a second wife to hunger. People may sponsor your wedding but won't sponsor your marriage. As faith without work is dead so is marriage without work is frustration, James 2:20, 1Timothy 5:8.
3. Never marry someone without character. Your marriage is your character, Proverbs 31:10. It is not beauty or money that sustains love but GOOD CHARACTER
4. Don't marry someone with bad mentality about marriage and/or who is not willing to change. Always bent on his/her own way of doing things and hates correction. You will be a slave in such relationship.
5. Don't marry someone who causes fear in your spirit, 1 John 4:18. If there is no peace in your spirit, RUN!!!
6. Never marry someone who is only interested in your waist, sex, colour, money, status, beauty, handsomely, etc, 1 Corinthians 6:18. Marry someone who loves you for who you are. True love is not conditional
7. Never marry someone who double , triple, quadruple date. Except he leaves others to focus on you.
8. Never marry a non-believer, sinner or fake Christian, 2 Corinthians 6:14.
9. Don't marry someone already married, Exodus 20:14. God did not bring eve and rosemary to Adam. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder.
10. Don't marry a wife beater, he/she who lacks self-control, hot-tempered. Except he/she changes/repents. He/she might assault you.
Mind you, don't say you will change or convert the person. It takes God to change a person.
Before you get married work on yourself. Remember, "It is better to be single trusting God to be married than married and expecting to be single again".
Share to bless someone.
~Mr TEA~
|Your Relationship Doctor|
For any question or counselling,
BB Pin: 2998F8C5, Mobile/Whatsapp: 08060437618 or send ur mail to

Friday, 8 August 2014


The word compatibility is often used by people when it comes to relationship and also the word suitability from the root word “suitable” gotten from the scripture Gen 2:18 where God said He will make a help meet (suitable) for Adam.
The English dictionary defines the two words as follows:
SUITABILITY: The word “suitable” means being right or appropriate for a particular purpose or occasion.
 COMPATIBILITY: The ability of people or things to live or exist together without problems.

There have been a lot of mix up between these two words and there are many relationships that are not working or breaking up because of this mix up. You hear people say we are not compatible and cannot marry and things like that.
From Gen 2:18, God was much more interested in the suitability of the man and woman. God is more interested in somebody that is right for you and not just somebody you can live with. What makes you

Thursday, 31 July 2014


1. Your relationship with God is number one. Know God before you know the other person. Don't start a relationship until you have a personal relationship with God.

2. Never fail to pray before proposing or accepting a proposal. Don't be in a hurry to get married. If you rush in, you may rush out with a lot of injuries!

3. Discover Your Purpose before starting a relationship. Discovering your purpose early enough will help whoever lady God is bringing into your life to fit into such purpose and also prepare herself for the purpose(Remember she's meant to be a help suitable for you, Gen 2:18). Starting a relationship without discovering your purpose is like boarding a bus without knowing your destination.

4. Ladies, Marry A Man that has a VISION not just a TELEVISION!!
His VISION will surely produce many Televisions tomorrow and probably even put you on television to show the world how much he loves you ♥♥

Monday, 28 July 2014


My precious single friends, it's great to write you today again. I felt I should share this truth with you about Love.

When I was in 300L(3rd year) in the University, there is this female friend of mine who happened to be one of the closest friend I had. We were so close that we gist a lot, she shares her personal issues with me and am always excited communicating with her. Infact she became my study mate and we go to night class together to read because the female hostel where she stays was just adjacent the male hostel I was staying. Studying together was of immense benefit to us and it helped us to encourage ourselves to study even if we

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Long Distance Relationship; How To Make It Work.

 I’ve decided to give you some keys to making your long distance relationship work.

1: Trust: This is very important for any relationship to thrive. You must trust each other.  Don't even think of starting a relationship with someone you don't trust.  So build trust by being open. Don't hide things or act suspicious.

2: Daily Communication: Communication is another survival tool that will help your relationship to thrive. Just find a means of communicating on the phone everyday. It could just be a 1min call to hear each other's voice and also utilise other means of communication (bbm, whatsapp, text,fb etc). But don't let your communicating via the social media hinder putting a call through to him/her. You can also maximise the use of video chats like skype. Communicating daily brings your mind together and helps sustain the feeling you have for each other.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014


 My precious single friends, it's good to write you again.

After bible study service on one Wednesday, I had a chat with my pastor and in the course of the chat he made this profound statement "I'D RATHER PREPARE THAN REPAIR" and I was like 'Hmmmm'. The statement really got me and I started meditating on it. The statement is for every area of life but when I got home that evening, the issue of marriage pop up in me as regards the statement and I said to myself 'I'd rather prepare for marriage than repair my marriage'.

Marriage is not a wedding ceremony that you can start preparing for few weeks/months to the date. For you to succeed in marriage you must start preparing for it early enough. My desire is to see marriages succeed and godly families raised especially in this our generation.

Saturday, 22 February 2014


Philippians 3:13-14

It's time to LET GO of that hurt and release that pain. Your tears have served the ground for far too long. It's time to practice that smile daily, and it's time for you to LET GO of the things that are stripping your heart of its happiness. You can't HEAL by going back to the hurt, and you can't receive your future by holding on to your past. You have to learn how to stop pressing reply on the things that need to be deleted from your life. Stop getting upset with God for not closing a door that YOU choose to keep opened. You can't get your life together by staying involved with the things that are tearing your life apart. Why complain about a situation or Relationship that you aren't willing to change. Sometimes we can't control getting hurt, I understand that, but rehearsing the same pain is always a choice. Driving down the same road that led you no where, IS A CHOICE. Living that same lifestyle that led you to heart break, IS A CHOICE. Giving your trust back those who have abused it, IS A CHOICE. You might not be in control of what they give you, but you're always in control of what you accept. Don't live life hurt, you're too strong for that.
Stop being afraid to move on. Close this chapter of hurt, and never re-read it. It's time to get what your life deserves, and move on from the things that don't deserve you.

Do have a great weekend.

~Mr TEA~
|Your Relationship Doctor|
For any question or counselling,
BB Pin: 2998F8C5, Mobile/Whatsapp: 08060437618 or send ur mail to

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Importance of Sexual Purity in Your Relationship

Sex has become something that everybody talks about and many unmarried people indulge in. As Christian we are to stand out and make the difference in our world.
God gave man and woman the joy and pleasure of sexual relations within the bounds of marriage, and the Bible is clear about the importance of maintaining sexual purity within the boundaries of that union between man and wife (Ephesians 5:31). Humans are well aware of the pleasing effect of this
gift from God but have expanded it well beyond marriage and into virtually any circumstance. The secular world’s philosophy of “if it feels good, do it” pervades cultures, especially in the West, to the point where sexual purity is seen as archaic and unnecessary. Yet look at what God says about sexual purity. “You should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God.” “For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life” (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, 7). This passage outlines God’s reasons for calling for sexual purity in the lives of His children. First, we are “sanctified” and for that reason, we are to avoid sexual immorality. The Greek word translated
“sanctified” means literally “purified, made holy, consecrated [unto God].” As Christians, we are to live
a purified life because we have been made holy by the exchange of our sin for the righteousness of Christ on the cross and have been made completely new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). Our old natures, with all their impurities, sexual and otherwise, have died and now the life we live, we live by faith in the One who died for us (Galatians 2:20). To continue in sexual impurity (fornication) is to deny that and doing so is, in fact, a legitimate reason to question whether we have ever truly been born again. Sanctification, the process by which we become more and more Christlike, is an essential evidence of the reality of our salvation. We also see in 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 the necessity of controlling our bodies. When we give in to sexual immorality, we give evidence that the Holy Spirit is not indwelling us because we do not possess one of the fruits of the Spirit—self-control. All believers display the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) to a greater or lesser degree depending on the length of time they have walked with God. Uncontrolled