Friday, 22 August 2014

People You Must NOT MARRY

Before you think of getting married and settling down in life, there are some set of people you are not meant to marry if you want to succeed in marriage and have a fulfilled marriage. Below is the list of Ten of people you must not marry. Take note and let it help you in your marital decision.
1. Don't marry outside the will of God. God has a will and His will will not take you to where His grace will not be sufficient for you.
2. Don't marry someone without a job, a liability, a NFA (No Future Ambition), lazy who doesn't want to work and who doesn't want to change. A woman who get married to a jobless man becomes a second wife to hunger. People may sponsor your wedding but won't sponsor your marriage. As faith without work is dead so is marriage without work is frustration, James 2:20, 1Timothy 5:8.
3. Never marry someone without character. Your marriage is your character, Proverbs 31:10. It is not beauty or money that sustains love but GOOD CHARACTER
4. Don't marry someone with bad mentality about marriage and/or who is not willing to change. Always bent on his/her own way of doing things and hates correction. You will be a slave in such relationship.
5. Don't marry someone who causes fear in your spirit, 1 John 4:18. If there is no peace in your spirit, RUN!!!
6. Never marry someone who is only interested in your waist, sex, colour, money, status, beauty, handsomely, etc, 1 Corinthians 6:18. Marry someone who loves you for who you are. True love is not conditional
7. Never marry someone who double , triple, quadruple date. Except he leaves others to focus on you.
8. Never marry a non-believer, sinner or fake Christian, 2 Corinthians 6:14.
9. Don't marry someone already married, Exodus 20:14. God did not bring eve and rosemary to Adam. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder.
10. Don't marry a wife beater, he/she who lacks self-control, hot-tempered. Except he/she changes/repents. He/she might assault you.
Mind you, don't say you will change or convert the person. It takes God to change a person.
Before you get married work on yourself. Remember, "It is better to be single trusting God to be married than married and expecting to be single again".
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~Mr TEA~
|Your Relationship Doctor|
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Friday, 8 August 2014


The word compatibility is often used by people when it comes to relationship and also the word suitability from the root word “suitable” gotten from the scripture Gen 2:18 where God said He will make a help meet (suitable) for Adam.
The English dictionary defines the two words as follows:
SUITABILITY: The word “suitable” means being right or appropriate for a particular purpose or occasion.
 COMPATIBILITY: The ability of people or things to live or exist together without problems.

There have been a lot of mix up between these two words and there are many relationships that are not working or breaking up because of this mix up. You hear people say we are not compatible and cannot marry and things like that.
From Gen 2:18, God was much more interested in the suitability of the man and woman. God is more interested in somebody that is right for you and not just somebody you can live with. What makes you