Wednesday, 27 November 2013

6 Keys To A Healthy Relationship

The desire of many is to find the right partner they will settle down with and be happy in life.  Getting the right partner is good but its not enough; you must ensure that your relationship with that person is a healthy one. You can find the right partner and still have a miserable marriage if you don't take conscious effort to make your relationship a healthy one.
A healthy relationship engenders a Successful Marriage.
A healthy relationship is one that is whole, that grows and one that brings glory to God.

I have identified below six keys you need to have a healthy relationship:

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Let's Talk Sex

SEX is a word most people are shy to say or use outside even in Churches, Schools, the environment and so on but this word SEX is a word that really affects us on a daily basis either directly or indirectly.
In the world today, most Pastors don't say it in Church because they believe it is sacred. At schools, teachers, principals are also afraid to say the word because they believe it is the duty of the parents. To make it worse parents who should teach their children what SEX is all about, do not say it because

Are You Pregnant

But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law Gal 4:4.(NKJV).

There came the fullness of time when God wanted to redeem the world. And it came to pass, God sent forth His dear son to save us from our sins. This He did by dying on the cross & He rose up by the power of God after 3days. Glory to God!

But then, something interesting happened. Jesus was born of a woman; and that birth is a great fulfilment of the scripture in Gen. 3:15, the seed of the woman bruised the serpent’s head; Jesus Christ blotted out the

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Becoming The Right Person

Heard a story of a brother and sister who attended the same church, got attracted to each other, started courting and eventually got married in the same church. Few weeks after their wedding, they had a misunderstanding and in the course of argument, the husband told the wife that if you say anymore word I will slap you and that she shouldn't think he's that kind of spiritual brother she met in church and that he only wanted to have a good wife in church and the wife also replied that if he dare slap her she will break bottle on his head and that she's not the kind of spiritual sister he met in church and that she also wanted to get the right man in church. So that's how two wrong partners in form of pretence got married.

Ask Why

When the use of a thing is unknown, abuse is inevitable .Most youngsters commit themselves to relationships with the opposite sex without any reason than; everyone is doing it, it's what is in vogue and so on. In a World where morals are being trampled upon and virginity is no longer valued; one can predict more future indulgence in immorality. The basis of any human relationship should be that

Friday, 22 November 2013


Most men who are willing to get married just want a happy and easy going woman who possesses good values and virtues of a good wife. 

The following would enlighten ladies on why that right man would marry you.

  • Get God Early: Every man desire to have a godly woman as a wife and that's why most men wouldn't mind joining a church just to get a good wife. You need to get God early enough so you won't be stranded in life especially when you are ripe for marriage.
  • Don’t Be Bossy: When a man first meets you and know your character trait is okay, he starts feeling he is safe to propose and walk down d aisle with him. However, once he starts to feel like he is in a grammar school being told what to do by his teacher, he will take a walk simply because no man wants to be ruled by d subordinate (women).
  • Don't Play Games with his Heart: Never ever think that being a game player will help you get a man. Though he might be intrigued by a hard -to -get lady in the beginning, as soon as he decides that he is interested in you, all he wants is an honest straight –shooter.

Relationship Quote

Best Relationship: Talk Like Bestfriends, Play Like Children, Argue Like Husband And Wife, Protect Each Other Like Brother And Sister

Ø  A wise physician said "The best medicine for humans is LOVE". Someone asked "What if it doesn't work?" He smiled and answered "Increase the dose". -Unknown.

Are You Really Beautiful?

Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades; the woman to be admired and praised is the woman who fears the Lord.(Proverbs 31:10). Everyone should have this mindset that no one is ugly; every one is beautiful because we are all unique in our own ways and we are wonderfully and beautifully made by God. Glory to God!
When we talk about beauty, it is not about the mascara, eye shadow, eye pencil or lip stick that is applied on the face; it is not the pointed nose, small lips, attractive eyes, long face, dimple, nice teeth or long hair; its about the inner beauty. Inner beauty is the true beauty we are talking about. It is the beauty every man should seek for in a woman. This beauty radiates from the inside out. This kind of beauty lasts forever. The face and body gets old and wrinkled but inner beauty keeps radiating. When you see an old woman, ask for her picture when she was a youth; you will see a whole lot of difference. A man that marries a woman because of her outer beauty  is not doing right because sooner or later, no matter the maintenance, that beauty will fade. But a man that marries a woman because of the inner beauty is on the right track because this is the kind of beauty that lasts forever. Inner beauty is synonymous to virtues. Every woman

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Don't get married out of desperation

The rate at which marriages collapse now is assuming a social status symbol in our society. In no-time, people will be throwing divorce parties and invite friends n well-wishers to celebrate their divorce anniversaries; they will choose aso-ebi, hire a hall and popular musicians & what have you. Even a question like "So when are u getting divorced?" will become common. If u know u can't handle the weight & pressures of marriage, pls remain single. If u don't know what marriage is all about, pls remain single until u do. If u are getting married because of the things u desire or hope to gain from the other person pls remain single. If u know u can't be faithful, remain single. If u can't endure insults from one another, pls remain single. If u can't forgive one another's wrongs, pls remain single. If u can't place ur spouse above every other human being, pls remain single! Don't get married out of desperation. "All my friends are getting married" is d most foolish reason to get married! If u desire a successful home, but ur choice of friends are forces not to reckon with, think again. Be very mindful of where you go for advices, Many would give, but not many mean well! Guys, if u know u can't put ur wife ahead of ur ego, pls remain single till u're mature. Ur wife is your priority and EVERYTHING else including u, comes last. You are d teacher, d guide, d bodyguard, d role model - u are not a deity or God. So do not expect to b worshipped. U need respect, earn it by being responsible! Ladies, if u know u can't be submissive pls don't go into marriage so u're not turned to a punch bag! If u know u can't stand being corrected, pls remain single. Mr/Mrs I know it all!!! Ladies check ur domestic scorecard - if ur score is 0, pls stay in ur parents' house! People, pls make ur marriages work. Read carefully and share it with others. It doesn't matter if u are Married or Not. Marry for love, marry ur friend, put GOD 1st. "WORD"