Relationship is God's idea and God is so much interested in our relationship and in the success of our relationship.
If i were to ask you "your definition of a godly relationship" Am sure your answer would have been that "a godly relationship is the one that exist between a Christian brother and sister after knowing they are both the will of God for each other"
As good as the answer is, it is not totally correct; a godly relationship is a spirit-guided relationship. It is not just about being the will of God or a Christian, it is about allowing God to be at the center of the relationship.
There are many people who claim to be a in godly relationship probably because they are Christians or because God led them to start the relationship. But it is not just being in a relationship with a Christian brother/sister that makes your relationship godly neither is it because God led you into the relationship. Though a godly relationship start with knowing God's will and accepting it but it does not end there.
A godly relationship is a Spirit-Guided Relationship; a relationship that every of the activities in it are guided by the Holy Spirit, a relationship that glorify God.
Rom 8:14 says "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God".
Who is leading you in your relationship? Is it your feelings/flesh or the Spirit of God?
If you still kiss and do all sort of immorality in your relationship, you are not in a godly relationship; the Holy Spirit will not lead you to kiss a brother or sister you are in relationship with. What can lead you to do that is the flesh and the flesh is an enemy of God. The flesh produces sexual immorality, anger, malice and selfish ambition. The